For those of you still processing the events of the past 18 months or so (me), it may be hard to believe that the holiday season of 2021 is upon us, but alas, it will be here soon. With less than two months before Christmas smacks us in the face, it’s time to seriously start thinking about the gifts you want to give loved ones before that broken supply chain causes a major hiccup in Santa’s delivery this year. Now is the time to shop!

Throughout the year, I’ve received samples of products, and I’ve tried some others on this list on my own. The products mentioned here are only the ones I have truly enjoyed and would be glad to receive myself.

Here are some of my gift ideas–mostly stocking stuffers– for your favorite wine lover (in no particular order).

My Bevi “Napa Tumbler”

This product really does keep your beverage cold for a long time!

I received my My Bevi NapaTumbler as a sample, but I’m here to tell you that it lives up to the hype. Talk about keeping beverages cold! I have used it for at-home iced lattes and wine on the patio, and it delivers every time. I’m talking like full ice cubes still in the tumbler after hours–for my iced lattes of course, not the wine! This is a 12 oz tumbler with a pretty design that is good for hot or cold beverages and keeps them that way. It comes in several different colors (mine is turquoise), and in packs of two or four. Out of all the different cups and tumblers I’ve received over the years, this is by far the best (and prettiest). Highly recommend!

Le Grand Verre Single-Serve Wines

It is actually very rare that a bottle of wine is opened in my house and not finished in the same evening. However! This does happen, and it’s sometimes a waste–as we move on to the next night. One product that I had the opportunity to try this year is the Le Grand Verre single-serve wine bottles. These are slender bottles purchased in sets of four ranging from $20-$30 with a 6.3-ounce design, which is larger than your typical pour at 6 oz., or 5 oz. if you’re at a cheap place. I’m a big fan of these smaller portions because let’s face it, I drink a lot of wine. Sometimes, I only want a glass of something. (For Real.) This format is also a smart way to try several different wines at a time if you’re feeling like bouncing around a bit.

Le Grand Verre wines make a great gift!

Le Grand Verre wines are actually very good. I’ve enjoyed the wines from the producers I’ve sampled. These are wines made from mostly boutique wineries with female winemakers in the French regions of Bordeaux, Languedoc, and Provence. But what I love most about this concept is a chance to really taste the diversity in styles and terroir of French wines without opening a ton of expensive bottles. Really, I think this is a great gift for a wine lover who is diving into the world of French wine and interested in an education, as well as some tasty wine that can be enjoyed in moderate amounts. Think of Le Grand Verre as a perfect stocking stuffer.

You can visit the whole selection of Le Grand Verre wines and packages on their website.

Repour Wine Savers

I noticed recently that Repour Wine Savers have become more expensive! This is no doubt due to their popularity and effectiveness. Repour is always a nice stocking stuffer gift. As I said before, rarely do bottles go unfinished in this house, however, they sometimes do. This is where Repour comes in handy because these little topper gadgets will keep your wine fresh long after the bottle is opened–as long as you seal it correctly with the product. I once tasted a white wine that had been in my fridge with a Repour for a month, and it was still in perfect condition. Seriously, this is one of those gifts that may not be sexy, but it’s super useful if you drink a lot of wine. Trust me.

These pens can help you assign wine glasses to guests at tasting parties.

Cork Pops Wine Glass Writer Pens

This is totally another stocking stuffer, but in the age of COVID, I think it’s actually a very practical gift. With these silver and gold pens, you can mark up your wine glasses to identify who they belong to or even play blind tasting games, etc… These pens are non-toxic and wash off with a soapy sponge, so no damage to your glass or crystal. You can grab them on Amazon here.

Wine Education at Florida Wine Academy

Florida Wine Academy located here in Miami is the premier wine education organization in Florida. I’ve taken several certification courses through this institution and attended many masterclasses and tastings throughout the years. If you are out of gadget gift ideas for your favorite wine lover, why not gift them with something they can keep forever? Check out the upcoming course offerings or consider a gift card to Florida Wine Academy as a very nice present this year. If you aren’t located in Miami, that’s ok! Many of the classes are webinar format and can be taken remotely from anywhere in the world.

A Bottle of Wine

This one may be obvious. Anyone who considers him or herself a regular wine-o can appreciate a nice, thoughtful bottle of wine as a gift. As I say with anything, presents included, when in doubt–Champagne!

This is one sexy Champagne.

My current favorite bottle for a gift idea, especially for that sexy man in your life, is the super suave Bollinger Special Cuvée 007 Limited Edition. I’m always a fan of Bollinger–truly one of my favorite Champagnes–but with the 007 packaging, this bottle becomes an extra special gift for the Bond fan in your life.

A friend brought a few bottles of this to my place recently, and it is just a perfect Champagne for a dinner party. South Floridians–this is the Champagne you want to serve with your holiday Stone Crabs and butter sauce. I promise.

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