Miami Spice season is upon us! At many fine dining establishments throughout the 3-0-5, customers can choose to be treated to a three-course lunch or dinner for $23 or $39, respectively, exclusive of tip and tax. It’s a great time to explore cuisines and visit restaurants you’ve been meaning to try all year.  Sure, some places offer better portions for their “Spice” meals, while others give a “watered down” version of their best dishes, but from the first of August to the end of September, it’s all about experimentation in the Miami dining out scene.

If you plan on dining somewhere new, or even enjoying something new at an old favorite, I encourage you to also try your meal with a paired wine from the list. Wine is not included in the Miami Spice price, but you’re already getting a deal, so why not?

One of the restaurants celebrating Miami Spice in the Coral Gables area is Zucca, which is a beautiful authentically-Italian restaurant that I’ve mentioned before in one of my articles for Zucca has a great wine list, and it would be a waste to dine there with only a glass of water to accompany your meal.

When you choose to enjoy the Miami Spice menu at Zucca, consider some of these wine pairings along with your courses in my latest article for local foodie magazine, Let’s Eat. They’re sure to be great matches! You can read more from the article here on page 13 of the magazine.

Miami Spice Wine pairings at Zucca Miami
Zucca Wine Pairings on Page 13


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